Government presents the General Government Restructuring Programme and the Simplex Programme

The Government has recently presented the General Government Restructuring Programme (PRACE - Programa de Reestruturação da Administração Central do Estado) and the Administrative and Legislative Simplification Programme (Simplex).

PRACE was created by Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 124/2005 of 4 August, to diagnose and structurally reform the General Government organizations, thereby becoming a tool for the country's sustained economic, social and cultural development. PRACE sets principles, programmes and methodologies, with the following objectives: to modernize and render the general government organizations more efficient; to improve the quality of the services provided to citizens by General Government organizations; and to place General Government organizations closer and more open to citizens.

In the scope of this programme, ANACOM's autonomous position is kept under the powers of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications.

The 2006 Simplex Programme, which includes 333 measures, intends to lead the general government organizations to answer quickly and efficiently to the needs of citizens and companies; to increase citizens' trust in civil services and in civil servants; to help companies obtain licences, authorizations and fulfil other formalities in less time; and to foster rationalization and efficiency in the general government organizations. This programme's measures are thus divided into six main areas: elimination of certificates; elimination of paper or de-materialization; simplification; deregulation; easing access to public services; and consolidation of legal regimes.

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