2005-2006 National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP) approved

By determination of 17 February 2006, ANACOM approved the new version of the National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP), prepared under article 16 of the Electronic Communications Law (Law no. 5/2004, of 10 February). A final report was also approved regarding the general consultation procedure which this tool was subject to, further to a determination of 29 November 2005, in the scope of which contributions were received from the following entities: Grupo PT, Onitelecom, Sonaecom (on behalf of Optimus and Novis Telecom) and Vodafone Portugal.

Considering the received comments, the tool now being released is an update of the NFAP version that was put for consultation. Specifically, a note was introduced regarding Onitelecom’s request for the cancellation of licence ICP-01/99-FWA.

Besides small editorial corrections, the NFAP was also updated following the publication of Directive 2005/82/CEE of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 14 December 2005, revoking Directive 90/544/CEE of the Council regarding the assigned frequency bands for the co-ordinated introduction in the Community of a pan-European radio messaging system (ERMES).

The 87.5-108 MHz frequency band was also included for very low power micro transceiver wireless audio systems (non licensed applications that should operate on a non-protection and non-interference basis), following a recent agreement at CEPT regarding the values to be authorized for this kind of applications. Taking into account the recent requests for the use of the TETRA system, and foreseeing additional requests of radio spectrum for this system, 50 channels on the 410-430 MH bands are due to be made available for networks and services of electronic communications not accessible to the public.

The NFAP also includes an updated list of the stations and networks exempt of licensing, thus fulfilling the terms of Article 9 of Decree-Law no. 151-A/2000, of 20 July. This list replaces that of points 2 and 3 of the Notice on radio licenses, of 10 July 2003, published on 23 July.
