By order in Case No. 1117/10.9BELSB, in progress before the 3rd Organisational Unit of the Tribunal Administrativo de Círculo de Lisboa (Administrative Circuit Court for Lisbon), where PT Comunicações is plaintiff, and ICP - Autoridade Nacional das Comunicações (ICP - ANACOM) is defendant, this Authority must publish a notice for the purposes of calling counter-interested parties to court.
This lawsuit (special administrative action for claim related to administrative acts) is intended to partially annul determination of ANACOM's Management Board of 17 February 2010, which approved changes to the Reference Unbundling Offer (RUO).
ICP-ANACOM accordingly publishes the notice in question on this website.
Related information on ANACOM's website:
- Amendments to the Reference Unbundling Offer (RUO)