B-on Library - Protocol with Cape Verde extended until the end of 2010

On 19 August 2010, ANACOM gave approval to addenda by which the validity of the cooperation protocol signed in March 2009 with Cape Verde University on access to the Online Knowledge Library (b-on) will be extended until 31 December 2010. For Portugal’s part, the protocol was signed by this Authority, by UMIC - Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento (Knowledge Society Agency) and by FCCN - Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (Foundation for National Scientific Computing).

The b-on initiative enables unlimited and permanent access by research and higher education institutions to the full texts of over 22 thousand international scientific periodicals and 18 thousand e-books supplied by 19 content providers according to nationally negotiated subscriptions. The protocol with Cape Verde University means that the University’s teaching staff, researchers and students have free access to the full texts of the international scientific periodicals of a set of previously selected international publishers, so improving the working conditions of the academic and scientific community.


Related information on ANACOM's website: