Human resources

In 2009, the policy of people management remained focused on achieving excellence in performance and on the development of competencies, in an approach where individual responsibility and performance which is part of a team commitment and aligned with the strategic objectives of the Regulator take on a key role in the creation of professional development opportunities and staff motivation.

Likewise, the Organization’s ability to adapt to change assumes a decisive role in the accomplishment of ICP-ANACOM’s strategic goals. Therefore, in an organizational context, functional mobility continues to be welcomed and encouraged, while internally, identification of the required profiles and existing competencies allows the development and sharing of knowledge through experience acquired in different areas of the Organization.

Of the actions undertaken in 2009, the following are of particular note:

  • implementation of the new Regulamento de Carreiras (Careers Regulation), the Merit Based Evolution System, at all levels of the organization;

  • promotion of Internal Mobility actions;

  • improvement of the current Performance Evaluation System (PES) in terms of skill development, through the introduction of different efficiency levels;

  • implementation of the Programme: Educational Training for Trainers, via b-learning, with the aim of equipping the staff involved with the educational skills needed to transmit and share their knowledge, which is critical to the sustained development of the Organization;

  • mobilization of staff for internal  and external social responsibility initiatives, aimed at the consolidation of concepts such as teamwork and cooperation awareness;

  • improvement of internal communication, which is vital to understanding the guidelines of the Organization and to alignment with its values.

Human resources used

During 2009 ICP-ANACOM maintained the number of human resources used in the previous year, with a slight increase seen in the total number of staff.

Human resources used - Table 1.1

Human resources used






1 - Permanent staff






2 - Requisitioned by ICP-ANACOM






3 - Providing service to other entities






4 - Fixed-term contract






5 - Human resources used =(1)+(2)-(3)+(4)






There were 17 employees working outside ICP-ANACOM, as follows: 5 requested to various Ministries; 9 seconded, including 7 to Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações (Portuguese Communications Foundation) and 2 to CPEC - Comissão de Planeamento de Emergência das Comunicações (Emergency Communications Planning Committee); and 1 employee at the European Commission’s Information Society Directorate General. There are also 2 members of staff on unpaid leave.

Selection and recruitment

During 2009, the following staff movements were reported:

  • external recruitment - 8 admissions, including 7 staff on fixed-term contracts to deal with temporary situations of increased workload and 1 new member of staff on permanent contract;

  • Internal mobility - 11 staff members;

  • meanwhile, 7 staff contracts were terminated, 3 as a result of their expiry, and 4 on the initiative of the members of staff involved. There was also 1 retirement.

In terms of its human resources strategy, it remained a major concern of the Management Board to invest in the retention, development and motivation of highly qualified staff, and to select competency profiles which are aligned with the principles and strategy of the Organization.

Professional training

The 2009 Training Plan reflects, broadly and in a transverse manner, the needs identified across different area of the Regulator to further develop skills.

The strengthening of knowledge at an academic level should also be highlighted, with significant participation noted by employees in courses at a post-graduate, master’s and doctoral level, reflecting 4 % of the all human resources. The skills acquired through such courses will, over the medium and long term, drive the achievement of a level of expertise which will greatly contribute to excellence in this entity’s performance.

In light of the functions conferred upon ICP-ANACOM, technical training, as well as the development of management skills, took a major role in 2009, particularly in the area of electronic communications and materials related to adaptation to external and internal regulations coming into force over the preceding year.

Código de Trabalho (Labour Code), SNC - Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (Accounting Standardisation System), Modelos de Relato Financeiro (Financial Reporting Models), CCP - Código dos Contratos Públicos (Public Procurement Code), Código Contributivo da Segurança Social (Social Security Contributory Code) and Regime Jurídico de Segurança em Edifícios (Legal Regime for Security in Buildings) were some areas that assumed particular importance in the training conducted over the course of 2009.

Internal training sessions were held on the “MACBETH and CCP” methodology, totaling 242 hours of training.

Computer applications such as SPSS for data analysis and the production of statistics, was one of the key areas, along with training in Office 2007 for which 600 hours of training were reported.

The completion of training programmes on Digital Television - Signal Analysis is also noted, with a total of 847 hours.

“Next Generation Networks NGN/IP” was another area given priority, with internal training completed totaling 450 hours.

The completion of training on the Código dos Valores Mobiliários (Securities Code) should also be noted, with the goal of acquiring fiscal and accounting knowledge, comprising 130 hours of training.

Foreign language training was conducted involving 123 employees and continues to demonstrate ICP-ANACOM’s strong commitment to strengthening such knowledge, encompassing 32 % of the Organization’s staff.

Participation in events, lectures, seminars and conferences related to the communications sector represents an important part of the investment made in training. ICP-ANACOM is keen to provide its staff with knowledge in terms of emerging technologies.

Additionally, reference should be made to the establishment of protocols with higher education bodies, including the Institutos de Telecomunicações (Telecommunications Institutes) of Instituto Superior Técnico and Universidade de Aveiro, IDEFF / ISEG - Instituto de Direito Económico, Financeiro e Fiscal (Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law) of Universidade de Lisboa, CEDIPRE - Centro de Estudos de Direito Público e Regulação (Centre for Studies in Public Law and Regulation) and the Instituto Jurídico da Comunicação (Legal Institute of Communication), both of Universidade de Coimbra and the IDPCC - Instituto de Direito Penal e Ciências Criminais (Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences Institute) of Universidade de Lisboa; these protocols have been established in order to foster the areas of research, studies and training in relevant matters, such as regulatory and technical areas.

During 2009, note should be made of the conduct of 166 training sessions, comprising 20,357 hours, 1,664 participations, and involving the amount of 338,009 euros.

Emphasis should also be given to the programmes undertaken with respect to the Educational Training of Trainers, via b-learning, involving 33 employees and 2,970 hours of training. There was an increase in the number of training session held and the number of participants. However, reiterating a financial management policy guided by rigor, there has been a decrease in financial amounts spent under this heading in comparison to the previous year.

Resources used - Table 1.2

Resources used



Number of programmes



Number of trainees participating



Number of days



Number of days/total staff - average



Training costs/staff costs (%)



Direct Costs (Thousands of euros)



Costs / total staff - average (euros)



Note: For calculation purposes the average level of total staff was considered - 390

Qualification of employees

The distribution of levels of professional qualification throughout Organization, which must be viewed from a perspective of achieving balance among the entire staff and their potential, remained stable, with a lack of significant staff inflow and outflow, and relevant increase in the number of staff at middle and top management level. This accomplishment results from the implementation of the new career development system, as well as from the promotion of initiatives directed at encouraging de higher education studies.

Qualification levels - Table 1.3

Qualification levels



Upper management



Middle management



Highly qualified professionals



Qualified professionals



Semi-qualified professionals







Remuneration policy

In 2009, ICP-ANACOM focused, in terms of strategic people management on the implementation of a remuneration policy which is in line with the overall strategy of the Organization, and which achieves a balance, in terms of salaries, between the motivation and retention of top-performing people and levels of professional qualification. The new career development system, based on the recognition of merit and on the development competence, is now used as a key factor in setting ICP-ANACOM’s remuneration policy.

With regard to health insurance, since 2009, this Authority has taken on the costs, equivalent to 100 %, of the insurance premium covering the children of staff enrolled in the group insurance until the age of 25 years, attending education, and dependent parents or equivalent. It was also agreed to update the insurance policy with respect to travel by air regarding the amounts provided in the event of disability or death.

ICP-ANACOM also provides the added benefit of a fixed contribution retirement pension. This pension scheme now covers all staff.

ICP-ANACOM assumes the fixed monthly contribution, ranging from 1 % to 2 % of payroll.

In 2009, the cost of this pension plan amounted to 282,384 euros.

Following the negotiation process in 2009, ICP-ANACOM’s new career system was implemented - the Merit Based Evolution System - acting as the cornerstone for the framework and vision of staff professional development, and leading to its repositioning overall in the new career structure and in the respective pay scales.

Performance evaluation

In the light of the competency development component, present in the performance evaluation system, behavioral indicators of reference were introduced, anchored at different proficiency levels, together with a qualitative scale to work in combination with the existing quantitative scale. As such a revised and improved competency model was developed for ICP-ANACOM.

Other activities

Internal communication

Internal communication has received particular attention in the dissemination of new procedures and policies implemented in 2009, involving a significant effort in actions of direct communication with employees to clarify the processes involved, including in particular, the competency model, the performance evaluation model, internal staff movements, and social responsibility programs.

It is also important to emphasize in this chapter the meeting of ICP-ANACOM staff and its importance to team work, communication and experience of the Organization’s values.

Social Responsibility

Special attention was paid to social responsibility with the promotion of a number of partnerships enabling the implementation of various programmes in this area, directed both internally and externally:

  • Rebuild Programme: Grouping of ICP-ANACOM staff involving the mobilization of joint efforts, for a day’s work, to make improvements to the facilities of a Social Solidarity Institution.

  • Better Life programme, directed at all interested staff, with several programs designed to help quit smoking.

  • Organization of blood donation campaigns and the collection  of blood for bone marrow donation compatibility testing.

Conclusion of Company Agreement

The Company Agreement (CA) - Global Review was concluded with Sindicato Democrático dos Trabalhadores das Comunicações e dos Média (Democratic Union of Communications and Media Workers) - SINDETELCO and with Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores das Telecomunicações e Audiovisual (National Union of Telecommunications and Audiovisual Workers) - SINTTAV and Sindicato dos Engenheiros (Engineering Union) - SERS and published in Boletim do Trabalho e Emprego (Labor and Employment Bulletin) (1st series), no. 42 of November 2009.