International Activity - updated information


See updated information on the latest meetings that ANACOM has attended:


European Union:

Meeting of the BEREC PT on Convergence and Economic Analysis - Brussels

PT Next Generation Networks (NGN) meeting - Brussels

PT Net Neutrality meeting - Brussels

Seminar on postal sector studies - Brussels

33rd meeting of the Radio Spectrum Committee - Brussels

EC Communications Committee meeting - Brussels

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations:

Meeting of spectrum monitoring group WG FM PT22 - Copenhagen

ITU Policy Committee (Com-ITU) meeting - Vilnius

PT Policy meeting - Paris

Independent Regulators Group:

International Roaming meeting - Brussels

International Telecommunication Union:

Excellence Centre for Africa - November/December training actions

Universal Postal Union:

UPU Strategy Conference - Nairóbi

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development:

60th meeting of the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy - Paris