Communications from PTC's network to networks of other operators - tariff for 2011

By determination of 19 November 2010, ANACOM decided to declare the compliance with current regulatory principles of the tariff proposal submitted by PT Comunicações (PTC) for communications from its network to direct customers of other service providers (OSP).

Having analysed PTC’s proposal, which involved two separate tariffs scheduled to take effect on 1 January 2011, ANACOM concluded that:

a) The proposal for Tariff Group 1 (which applies to operators whose average termination prices are close to the average price of termination on PT’s network - Equant and PT Prime) complies with applicable obligations, as it is identical to that practised by PTC for intra-network calls;

b) Relatively to Tariff Group 2 (which applies to calls to remaining operators), the average price per call resulting from the proposal is not significantly different from that which would result from applying the defined rule, complying as such with applicable obligations.
