DTT set-top-boxes give a good image even on conventional TV sets and have seen a drop in prices

ANACOM - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações, as the body responsible for coordinating the transition process from analogue to digital terrestrial television transmissions, has signed a protocol with DECO - Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa do Consumidor (Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection) under which the association makes a commitment to carry out ongoing comparative tests on the DTT set-top-boxes which have been coming onto the market.

The boxes are needed by anyone who wants to receive terrestrial digital television but doesn't have an integrated digital television set.

The results of tests conducted by Deco in January are now available both on the association's website (www.deco.proteste.pthttp://www.deco.proteste.pt/) and on ANACOM's website (www.anacom.pt).https://www.anacom.pt

According to Deco's study, the performance of the set-top-boxes and their prices vary widely, but in no case does the image disappoint, even when displayed on conventional television sets (CRT). The cheapest set-top-box included in the test can be bought for a price between 34.90 euros and 37.95 euros. It is the BestBuy Easy Home TDT HD Nano and can be purchased at the lowest price in the Box stores in Castelo Branco, Maia and Vila Nova de Famalicão.  On its website, Deco has a price tool that finds the cheapest shop in each area.

According to Deco, choosing the "Right choice", the Denver DMB-105HD, saves up to € 40 compared to lower quality devices. When choosing the Best of Test, the Televes TDT 7151, you can save €114 if you buy in the right store.

There are five devices which Deco does not recommended due to unacceptable consumption while on stand-by: between 10.2 W (CGV Premio HD-W) and 17.4 W (Univers by FTE U6000). The European Commission has set a limit of 2 watts for stand-by consumption for appliances on sale from January 2010.

With this test, the number of analyzed devices increases from 16 to 29. The tests will continue until the end of analogue transmissions - in April 2012.

The digital terrestrial television service enables better picture and sound quality. It also enables transmission in high definition and new features such as the electronic programming guide.

DTT Set-top-boxes: Characteristics and test results
Make and model Prices (€)
December 2010
Overall quality (%) 1
Best of test.Televes TDT 7151  101 - 215  70
Denver DMB-111HD novos_modelos.gif 59.99 68
Ibersosat TDT-6000 novos_modelos.gif 59.90 - 85  68
Right choice.Denver DMB-105HD 2 49.90 - 55.49  67
BestBuy Easy Home TDT HD  89.99 - 95.49  64
Sigmatek DVBR-520 HD  68.99 63
Strong SRT 8110  55 - 99.90  59
Maximum T-102 FTA 3 55 - 118.41  54
Peribsen TDT4HD USB  69 - 97.50  53
Peribsen TDT4HD  69 - 100  53
BestBuy Easy Home TDT HD Nano 4 novos_modelos.gif 34.90 - 37.95  51
Technisat DiGYBOXX T4  75 - 136  51
Metronic Zapbox HD-Z2  89 - 99.99  45
Iberosat TDT-3000 5 65 - 89  43
CGV Premio HD-W 6 novos_modelos.gif 79.99 - 169  39
Teka TK2000 THD  72.60 - 179  38
Strong SRT 8150 7 79.90 - 140  34
Metronic Zapbox HD-Z1 8 89 - 101.95  29
Univers by FTE U6000 9 92.60 - 140  28
Astrell 11112 novos_modelos.gif 52.6 não testado 
BestBuy Easy Home TDT HD'10 novos_modelos.gif 54.95 - 56.95  não testado 
EMTEC Movie Cube N150H novos_modelos.gif 59.99 não testado 
Mvision HD-300T novos_modelos.gif 120 - 145  não testado 
Not Only TV LV6TMPVR4 novos_modelos.gif 79.9 não testado 
NPG DHT 602AP novos_modelos.gif 55 - 80.95  não testado 
Shop+ T2000 HD novos_modelos.gif 70 - 79  não testado 
Sunstech DT4500HD novos_modelos.gif 69.90 - 73.40  não testado 
Televes 7143 novos_modelos.gif 187.60 - 304  não testado 
Televes ZAS HD 5124 novos_modelos.gif 74.99 - 92.60  não testado 

Best of test. Best of test
Right choice. Right choice
Economic choice. Economic choice
Very good.Very good
Good. Good
Average. Average
Mediocre. Mediocre
Poor. Poor
n.a.  Not applicable
 novos_modelos.gif  New models


Only devices with the most recent firmware (November 2010) reproduce DivX HD and MKV files. This may not be the case of models on sale, which are updated by USB, downloading the file from the manufacturer’s website.

1 More than 65: good quality; 40 or less: don’t buy.
2 In final phase of commercialisation.
3 In final phase of commercialisation.
4 In final phase of commercialisation.
5 In final phase of commercialisation.
6 In final phase of commercialisation.
7 In final phase of commercialisation.
8 In final phase of commercialisation.
9 In final phase of commercialisation.