Modernisation of the procurement market - EC's consultation

The European Commission (EC) launched a public consultation on the Green Paper for the modernization of public procurement market in Europe, which represents about 17 percent of GDP in the European Union (EU). In the current context of economic crisis and budgetary restrictions in many EU countries, the EC hopes that this consultation will contribute to a possible revision of procurement policy to ensure the most efficient use of public funds with the view to promote growth and job creation. Interested parties should send their responses to the following address: until 18 April 2011.

In addition to the Green Paper, the Commission is undertaking a thorough ex-post evaluation to take stock of the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the current European public procurement rules. The results of this evaluation and of the Green Paper consultation will be discussed at a high level conference on public procurement reform, planned for 30 June 2011 in Brussels. All work streams will then feed into any appropriate legislative proposals.

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