WG RA meeting - Cardiff

The 22nd meeting of the Regulatory Affairs working group (WG RA) was held last 25-28 January in Cardiff, United Kingdom, chaired by Stelios Himonas of Cyprus. Some 39 participants attended, representing a total of 23 administrations as well as the European Communications Office (ECO) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

The rapporteur of the correspondence group on Trading of Usage Rights (CG RA-TUR), Patrick Donohue of France, presented the final version of the report "Description of Practices Relative to Trading of Spectrum Usage Rights", which takes into account the comments from Portugal, Denmark, Ireland and Norway. Last-minute comments from the United Kingdom were also examined at the meeting. The report was adopted for public consultation.

The rapporteur of the correspondence group on White Spaces Cognitive Radio (CG WS-CR), Andrew Gowans of the United Kingdom, reported that there were no developments regarding the report the group is preparing, as they await completion of report 159 from WG SE (Spectrum Engineering), on "Technical and Operational Requirements for the Possible Operation of Cognitive Radio Systems in the ‘White Spaces’ of the Frequency Band 470-790 MHz". Report 159, especially sections 9 and 11, will be studied by CG WS-CR, which will continue working on its report on "Consideration of the Regulatory Mechanisms Needed to Facilitate the Introduction of Cognitive Radio Systems (CRS) in the 'White Spaces' of the Frequency Band 470-790 MHz", likewise bearing in mind the opinion of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) on the matter.

Agreement was also reached on a questionnaire to soon send the administrations in the context of a decision being developed on "Exemption from Individual Licensing and Free Circulation and Use of End User Equipment of Narrowband or Wideband PMR/PAMR/PPDR Networks Operating in the 80 MHz, 160 MHz, 380-470 MHz and 800/900 MHz Bands", able to identify the mechanisms authorising usage of the equipment envisaged in ECC Decisions (06)06, (08)05 and (04)06.

The participants also decided to mandate the WG RA chairperson to reach agreement with the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) regarding the group's development of a generic and technologically neutral decision that covers all types of GSM, UMTS and IMT mobile terminals operating in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands. It was proposed that when approved it should replace Decisions (97)11, (98)20 and (98)21. A Liaison Statement (LS) will be sent to ECC PT1 (IMT Matters).

The rapporteur of the correspondence group Radio Interface Specifications (CG RA-RIS), Patrick Donohue of France, presented a progress report on implementation of the RIS template, which compares data sent by administrations via the ECO Frequency Information System (EFIS), which is in trial phase from October 2008 until the end of 2011. CG RA-RIS should prepare practical guidelines to send to the project teams (PTs) in this area. Various RIS implementation models were also considered and approved.

The group noted that PT47 of WG FM (Frequency Management) had completed the draft ECC report to submit to WG FM "On Practical Implementation of the Registration/Coordination Mechanism for LT2 Systems", which includes comments submitted by WG RA beforehand.

The coordinator of PT RA1 Enforcement, Kati Heikkinen of Finland, reported on results of the public consultation concerning ECC draft report 160 on "Enforcement Benchmarking in the Year 2010", which only received comments from Germany. A decision was made to improve the recommendations part and forward the report to the ECO for publication. It was also decided to begin a common control and monitoring strategy by gathering information on national practices and regional enforcement agreements as well as national risk analysis protocols. PT RA1 should thus submit an action plan in this area to the next plenary session. The group is considering the organisation of a joint workshop with PT22 of WG FM (Monitoring).

The PT RA1 coordinator also reported, regarding developments in the scope of the Telecommunications Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee (TCAM), that a preliminary proposal to revise the R&TTE Directive should be disclosed in early 2011; a report assessing the impact of its future application should also be distributed.

WG RA likewise proceeded to revise various ECC decisions under its responsibility, namely:

  • ERC Decision (99)02 on "Exemption from Individual Licensing of Terrestrial Trunked Radio System (TETRA) Mobile Terminals" - the group re-examined this decision, as mandated by the ECC, and approved an LS to send to PT FM 38 (Private Mobile Radio - including harmonised DMO channels), in which it proposes finishing revision of the Decision, to be revoked when a generic decision is adopted;
  • ECC Decision (02)09 on "Free Circulation and Use of GSM-R Mobile Terminals Operating within the Frequency Bands 876-880 MHz and 921-925 MHz for Railway Purposes in CEPT Countries, Enlarging the Field of Application of ERC/DEC/(95)01" - the group discussed conclusions of the public consultation, for which one single contribution was received (Russian Federation), as well as later comments from the International Union of Railways (UIC), besides endorsing a final version for ECC approval;
  • ECC Decision (02)10 on "Exemption from Individual Licensing of GSM-R Mobile Terminals Operating within the Frequency bands 876-880 MHz and 921-925 MHz for Railway Purposes"  - the group discussed conclusions from the public consultation, for which one single contribution was received (Russian Federation), as well as later comments from the UIC, besides endorsing a final version for ECC approval.

The meeting also saw the adoption of a proposal from France (which is revising its amateur radio legislation) to send a questionnaire to the administrations, particularly focusing on the possibility of amateur radio connection to the internet.

Regarding the introduction of electronic working means (EWM) in the ECC's activity, the progress made in the current testing phase was noted, as was the report by PT RA3 (Regulatory and Procedural Issues) on the subordinate bodies' experience in this area from September to January. The plenary session drew up an LS to send to chairs of the various working groups and teams with the report template attached, urging them to boost co-operation with the Office on the introduction of web-casting, web-conferencing and virtual participation in meetings. Note that groups such as SE 24, SE 19, FM 45, ECC PT1, STG, SE 43 and ECC CG "Future of the CEPT Conference" have reported to date on their EWM experiences. The main problem registered has been sound quality/echo.

A PT RA3 proposal to update the ECC rules of procedure (RoP) and working methods (WM) was approved and makes room for procedures involving co-operation between the Committee and ETSI, providing information and asking for comments from the Institute regarding the draft deliverables to be submitted for consultation.

The plenary discussed the ongoing revision of the ECC's structure, after the WG RA chairperson reported on the 17 December meeting of ECC TG5 (ECC Structure). Portugal asked whether virtual participation was possible in the next ECC TG5 meeting scheduled for 8 February in Paris; this will be proposed to the respective co-ordinator. Also noted was a PT RA1 proposal on future inclusion in WG FM; it was held that this should be considered in ECC TG5.

The third internet-transmitted seminar promoted by WG RA also took place. It was open to participants from outside CEPT and covered technical, operational and regulatory aspects of cognitive radio; the speakers included representatives from the Swiss and British regulators. This seminar was carried out jointly with WG SE, which met simultaneously with WG RA, and registered about a hundred virtual participants.

Lastly, the ECO representative reported on some of the Office's recent activities, namely the launch of a brochure (in electronic and print versions) about the ECC's work and the creation on the ECO website of an area devoted to ECC-ETSI activity. The group was also informed that a seminar for new participants from administrations and industry will be held on 28 February in Copenhagen, with the theme topic of "European Spectrum Management and Numbering".

The next WG RA plenary meeting will be held in Paris this coming 3-6 May.