BEREC Board of Regulators meeting - Riga

The sixth meeting of the BEREC Board of Regulators (BoR) was held last 24-25 February in Riga, Latvia.

Highlights of the meeting included approval of the following documents for publication:

  • "Report on Open Access";
  • "Report on NGA country-cases study";
  • "BEREC Guidance for the implementation of functional separation";
  • "BEREC report on cross-border issues under article 28 USD";
  • "BEREC/RSPG joint report on transitional issues in the mobile sector";
  • "BEREC report on relevant market definition for business services";
  • "Report on measures towards disabled end-users accessibility";
  • "BEREC Report on alternative voice and SMS roaming tariffs and data tariffs".

Also approved was the decision on the creation of specialist groups and the procedures associated to BEREC's involvement in article 7 and article 7-a DQ.

The Management Committee (MC) also met jointly with the BoR and adopted a number of decisions concerning personnel hiring for the BEREC Office.

It also approved a decision on declarations of interest by BoR and MC members, and endorsed the multiannual personnel plans and various Service Level Agreements.

The agreement between the Latvian government and the BEREC president to install the Office in a Riga building was also formally signed on 24 February.