Multiband auction

/ Updated on 20.10.2011

ANACOM will allocate a maximum of 39 rights of use for frequencies for the provision of electronic communications services in the 450 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2,1 GHz and 2,6 GHz bands, by means of an auction, which was deemed to be the most appropriate procedure for such allocation. The draft Auctioning Regulation has been submitted to a public consultation.

In the light of the principles of technological and service neutrality, this initiative aims to guarantee an effective use of frequencies and to maximize benefits for users, as well as to foster the development of competition. This provision of frequencies will certainly lead to the offer of new applications in the scope of publicly available terrestrial electronic communications networks and services.

The auction Regulation was approved by determination of 17 October 2011 and published in D.R. of 19 October.