III ARCTEL-CPLP General Assembly

The III General Assembly of ARCTEL-CPLP Associação de Reguladores de Comunicações e Telecomunicações da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (Association of Communications and Telecommunications Regulators of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries), was held in Sintra, on 13 and 14 of April 2011, in which the 2010 Activities and 2011 Activities Plan were discussed.

The Chairman of ANACOM, José Amado da Silva, began the Assembly, followed by a speech delivered by the President of ARCTEL, Ronaldo Sardenberg. Also during the opening session, the "Association Medal" was awarded to Salomão Manhiça, former Chairman of INCM - Instituto Nacional das Comunicações de Moçambique (National Communications Institute of Mozambique) for the work done on behalf of the Association.

The first issue of the Agenda was the discussion on the Activities Report 2010 and Report and Accounts 2010, which was approved unanimously, followed by a presentation of actions to be taken during the current year, notably, the realization of a training seminar on the implementation of the General Regulations Plan and of the first meeting of GTE - Grupo de Trabalho de Estatistica (Statistics Working Group).

Each Regulatory Member was given equal opportunity to present the main regulatory measures undertaken in 2010 and main challenges for 2011, allowing open and dynamic discussions among participants on the various development levels in the communications sector in each country.

The closing session of the Assembly was attended by Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau of ITU, Mr. Brahima Sanou.