International Activity - updated information


See updated information on the latest meetings that ANACOM has attended:


European Union:

Meeting of the Cross Border Issues working group - Athens

Communications Committee (COCOM) meeting - Brussels

Meeting of the COCOM Ad Hoc 116 group - Brussels

Postal Directive Committee meeting - Brussels

EWG Net Neutrality - Brussels

Meeting of BEREC PT on Convergence and Economic Analysis - Brussels

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations:

WG SE PT43 meeting - Copenhagen

76th meeting of PT21 of WG SE - Mainz

Meeting of PT22 of WG FM - Montreux

10th meeting of PT46 of WG FM - Istanbul

13th meeting of PT 45 of WG FM - Dublin

PT Policy meeting - Warsaw

Meeting of PT Future Numbering Issues of WG NaN - Belgrade

European Telecommunications Standards Institute:

57th ETSI General Assembly - Cannes 

North Athlantic Treaty Organization:

Meeting of the NATO C3B CaP 3 - Brussels

International Telecommunication Union:

4th meeting of the World Conference on International Telecommunications working group - Geneva

Universal Postal Union:

Meeting of CA project teams during POC'11 - Berne