Roaming - New prices come into force on 01.07.2011

With the beginning of the second half of 2011, new maximum price limits come into force, as set out in the International Roaming Regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 717/2007, as amended by Regulation (EC) No. 544/2009), enacting the annual tariff reduction established under the Regulation.
As such, as of 1 July 2011, citizens making voice communications using intra-European Union / European Economic Area (EU / EEA) roaming, i.e. roaming between Member States of the European Union and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and where they are subscribers to a Eurotariff, should now bear in mind the following maximum values  (excluding VAT):

  • Calls made - € 0.35 per minute (maximum price excluding VAT);
  • Calls received - € 0.11 per minute (maximum price excluding VAT).

Operators remain under obligation to provide customers who subscribe to a Eurotariff with per second billing, although a minimum initial billing period can be applied provided that it does not exceed 30 seconds for calls made under the Eurotariff.

The Regulation on International Roaming obliges mobile operators to provide at least one Eurotariff for voice communications using intra-EU/EEA roaming, that is, a retail tariff not exceeding the maximum limits allowed under this Regulation. Nevertheless, operators may offer, additionally, other tariffs for these communications.

The maximum price for text messages sent using intra-EU/EEA roaming by subscribers of the Euro-SMS tariff remains at € 0.11 per SMS (excluding VAT) and receipt of SMS remains free. The Regulation on International Roaming also obliges operators to provide at least one Euro-SMS tariff for this type of communication, i.e. a tariff not exceeding the maximum price for the purpose set out in the Regulation. Operators can also offer other rates for sending SMS in intra-EU/EEA roaming. The prices charged for listening to messages received in voice mail are defined by the operator.

In the case of retail data communications, the current Roaming Regulation does not set a maximum tariff.

To obtain more information, users can consult the Roaming Light Website, where ANACOM provides easily accessible and useful information, as well as a set of tools that make it easy to obtain information from all operators; there is also a set of frequently asked questions (FAQ) on international roaming which have already been updated in line with the changes that have taken effect today.

Further information:

Roaming Light, Digital Agenda: lower roaming prices as of 1st July

Related information on ANACOM's website:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - International Roaming

International Roaming