PT Convergence and Economic Analysis drafting groups meetings - Brussels

The drafting group for the “Report on impact of fixed-mobile substitution in market definition” met last 2 September in Brussels. This group was set up in the scope of the BEREC project team (PT) on Convergence and Economic Analysis.

The meeting’s main goals were to: (i) agree on changes to the document’s structure as a result of the first analyses; (ii) examine results of the drafting work already accomplished; (iii) agree on the plan needed to finish the work in accordance with the set objectives.

Also, on 20 September Brussels served as venue for a meeting of the drafting group for the document on “Competition issues related to net neutrality”, likewise set up in the scope of the PT on Convergence and Economic Analysis.

This meeting’s main goals were to: (i) examine the drafts of sections already prepared by the drafters and the possibility of changing the structure of some document sections; (ii) examine together some illustrative examples of traffic discrimination practices according to the analysis framework set out in the document; (iii) determine actions to take to finish the work in accordance with the set objectives.