Brussels hosted last 7 September a meeting of the joint project team (PT) of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) and the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), known as PT BEREC-RSPG, chaired by Thomas Heutmann of BNetzA. The meeting served to continue work on the report titled “Determining the economic and social value of spectrum”, to be finished by early November 2011.
Information from the responses to the questionnaire sent out after this group’s last meeting served as the basis for general discussion on answers to each section of the questionnaire (which will originate the sub-chapters). Drafters were designated for each of those sections.
The first more broadly focused chapters were also discussed and analysed at this meeting, centring for example on the scope of the report, general aspects regarding the concepts of economic value and social value, and the international aspect of the frequency allocation process co-ordinated at ITU-R level.
Bearing in mind that the work must be completed by early November, the group expects to work intensely during October. Two meetings have thus been scheduled for that month (7 and 27 October).