Evaluating quality of service in regulated wholesale offers - consultation

By determination of 20 October 2011, ANACOM has given approval to the draft decision on the procedures to be followed in evaluating quality of service in regulated wholesale offers.

Under this draft decision PT Comunicações (PTC) is ordered, within a period not exceeding 30 working days following notification of ANACOM’s respective final decision, to amend the various reference offers which specify deadlines for the repair of faults (RUO, RDAO, LLRO, ECRO, “Rede ADSL PT”, WLRO) in compliance with various requirements.  PTC is also required to send to ANACOM, within 20 working days, information on faults which have been reported in the context of the RUO since January 2011, as well as information, in the context of the offer and the areas in question, on measures already taken and on planned measures which seek to reduce the overall level of faults occurring during months with higher rainfall.

This determination was submitted to the prior hearing of interested parties and to public consultation, whereas a period of 30 working days is provided in both cases for interested parties to respond.  As such comments are to be received no later than 12 December 2011 and should be sent by email to sentidoprovavel.qualidadegrossista@anacom.ptmailto:sentidoprovavel.qualidadegrossista@anacom.pt.

Once the consultation procedure has been concluded, responses received will be published on this website. Therefore, respondents should also send a non-confidential version of their response for publication on this website, with any items considered confidential removed.
