PT BEREC-RSPG - Brussels

Brussels hosted last 7 October a meeting of the joint project team (PT) of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) and the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), chaired by Thomas Heutmann (BNetzA).

The meeting served to continue work on the report (due to be finished by the end of October) on "determining the economic and social value of spectrum" and debated the summary of NRA responses to the various questions with a view to determining the social and economic value of spectrum by identifying factors that can impact those values.

Also dealt with were the generic chapters on spectrum's social and economic value, though the conclusions and identification of best practices to include in the report must still be discussed.

Bearing in mind the date the work should be completed, and even though a preliminary RSPG meeting was scheduled for 27 October (to prepare for the November RSPG meeting), it was decided that 27 October should be kept as the date to hold this group's next and last meeting, which should finish the ongoing report.