Frequency Management working group meeting - Lille

The 73rd meeting of ECC Frequency Management working group (WG FM) was held last 17-21 October in the French city of Lille.

The following matters stand out:

  • The terms of reference for WG FM project team (PT) 22 were amended to cover enforcement matters previously dealt with in the disbanded PT1 of the Regulatory Affairs working group (WG RA). The PT will continue to be chaired by Ralf Trautmann (Germany);

  • Following discussions on the CEPT framework within the ECC, WG FM PT46 (maritime issues) was converted into a Forum Group. Two physical meetings will be held in 2012, after which the regularity of working meetings of experts on maritime issues will be reassessed. The work will continue to be co-ordinated by Jaap Steenge of the Netherlands;

  • A new project team was created within the scope of WG FM. PT51 will aim to review spectrum requirements for programme making and special events (PMSE) and be chaired by Lindsay Cornell (BBC/United Kingdom);

  • A correspondence group was set up within WG FM to identify: (i) spectrum to pair with the unpaired 1900-1920 MHz and 2010-2025 MHz bands for IMT, excluding bands already studied by the ECC PT1 group; (ii) alterative applications vis-à-vis mobile service that can fit in unpaired 2 GHz bands; (iii) the applicability of new spectrum sharing concepts/techniques currently under discussion to unpaired 2 GHz bands, relevant to the work of ECC PT1. This group will be co-ordinated by Cristina Reis (Portugal) and should complete its activity before the ECC group’s upcoming 6-9 December meeting;

  • The WG FM group agreed with the WG SE proposal to establish a joint ECO Forum to deal with issues associated to power line telecommunications (PLT) and made several suggestions to modify the proposed reference terms. The work will be co-ordinated by Yves Ollivier of France, as proposed by WG SE.

The next WG FM meeting will be held on 23-27 April 2012 in Switzerland.