International Activity - updated information


See updated information on the latest meetings that ANACOM has attended:


Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC):

Meeting of the drafting group on "Competition issues related to net neutrality" - Brussels

PT Regulatory Accounting meeting - Brussels

Meeting of EWG Net Neutrality - Brussels

BEREC Contact Network meeting - Fiesole

Meeting of the EWG on Implementation of the Regulatory Framework - Brussels

Independent Regulators Group (IRG):

IRG Contact Network meeting - Fiesole

European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP):

ERGP Contact Network meeting - Brussels

ERGP plenary meeting - Paris

European Union (EU):

Workshop on "Costing methodologies for key wholesale access prices in electronic communications" - Brussels

Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Complaints - Brussels

Seminar for judges in the context of article 7 - Brussels

Workshop on European experience implementing the 3rd Postal Directive - Belgrade

Seminar to present postal studies - Brussels

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT):

18th meeting of WG FM PT44 - Pozallo

5th ECO Council of Administration - Copenhagen

3rd meeting of WG NaN - Dublin

Meeting of the ITU Policy Committee (Com-ITU) - Copenhagen

Instituto Europeu de Normas de Telecomunicações (ETSI):

58th ETSI General Assembly - Cannes

European Satellite Telecommunications Organization (EUTELSAT):

28th meeting of the Eutelsat Consultative Committee - Paris

International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO):

15th meeting of the ITSO Advisory Committee - Washington D.C.

União Postal Universal (UPU):

Meeting of the Council of Administration - Berne

Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (Regulatel):

Regulatel-BEREC-EaP Summit - Barcelona

Plenary meeting - Barcelona