Regulatel-BEREC-EaP Summit - Barcelona

The 10th Regulatel-BEREC-EaP summit meeting was held last 23-24 November at the headquarters of Spain's Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones (CMT) in Barcelona. The gathering was attended by presidents of electronic communications regulatory bodies from the BEREC member countries, the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities (Regulatel) and the Eastern Partnership (EaP), as well as representatives from the European Commission and the World Bank.

The theme topic for debate was "Regulation in the 21st century - a vision for the future". The round tables focused on broadband and promotion of next generation access (NGA) networks, spectrum management, roaming, the future of universal service (topic moderated by ANACOM) and the role of national regulatory authorities (NRAs) in electronic communications service markets. Because representatives from Eastern Europe were involved for the first time, it also included a well attended discussion and sharing of ideas regarding the independence and powers of regulators.