Calculation of the costs of regulation for the purpose of 2012 fees - electronic communications


Calculation of fees due for the exercise of the activity of provider of publicly available electronic communications networks and services, pursuant to point b) of paragraph 1 of article 105 of Law No 5/2004, of 10 February

1. In accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Annex II to Administrative Rule No 1473-B/2008 of 17 February, as amended by Administrative Rule No 291-A/2011, of 4 November, public notice is made of the total value of administrative costs incurred by ICP-ANACOM to be considered for the purposes of the settlement of fees due in 2012 for the exercise of the activity of electronic communications networks and services provider (Year n). As such, C (Year n) = 29.440.460 Euro (average of the costs of the last two years and the budget of the current year, with the exception of provisions made in respect of ongoing legal proceedings related to the regulation of electronic communications, for which the average is taken of the last four years and of the budget of the current year.)

2. The following table provides a detailed breakdown of ICP-ANACOM's costs, based on the implemented ABC model, the functioning of which is described in Annex A. This breakdown makes it possible to identify the administrative costs that are relevant for the calculation of the fee referenced in point b) of paragraph 1 of article 105 of the Electronic Communications Law.

With regard to the relevant income of providers of electronic communications networks and services, and after receiving information from the various undertakings in the market, ICP-ANACOM decided to conduct an audit before issuing the respective invoicing. This audit process is expected to be concluded shortly.

PDF Breakdown of total costs (expenses) of ICP-ANACOM by type of activity (including reallocation of provisions)

Annex A - Method to calculate regulation costs