Universal service - tender panel appointed

Order of the Minister of Economy and Employment of 3 October has been published in the Diário da República (Official Journal) appointing the tender panels for the three tenders which are to be held to select the company or companies to be designated as ensuring provision of the universal service of electronic communications - Order no. No 13467/2012, DR 2nd series of 16 October.

The panel will have the following members:

  • Chair: Maria de Fátima Henriques da Silva Barros Bertoldi
  • Member: Luís Manuel de Jesus Sousa Correia 
  • Member: José Luís Esquível 
  • Alternate Member: João Manuel Lourenço Confraria Jorge e Silva 
  • Alternate Member: Licínio Lopes Martins, in quality of member of management of CEDIPRE - Centro de Estudos de Direito Público e Regulação (Centre for Studies in Public Law and Regulation). 


See also: