Results of the audit to PTC's universal service net costs (2007-2009) - consultation

By determination of 11 April 2013, ANACOM approved a draft decision on the results of the audit to the net costs of the universal service provided by PT Comunicações (PTC), concerning the financial periods from 2007 to 2009.

This draft decision was submitted to the prior hearing of interested parties and to the general consultation procedure, a period of 20 working days having been granted in both situations for interested parties to comment. As such, contributions should be received no later than 15 May 2013, and should be sent preferably by email to 1.

Once the consultation process has been concluded, the contributions received will be made public, whereby interested parties should also submit a version of their responses excluding items considered confidential for the purposes of publication on this website, in compliance with requirements laid down in paragraph 3 of article 108 of the Electronic Communications Law and with the determination issued by this Authority on 17 November 2011.

1 Each email may contain one or more files as long as the total size of all files does not exceed 10 megabytes and, if necessary, comments may be divided into two or more emails.
