Definition of mobile broadband coverage obligations for parishes indicated by mobile operators

By determination of 22 August 2013, ANACOM approved the decision to implement the geographical component of coverage obligations in the 800 MHz frequency band, having  declared the conformity of the process for the selection by Vodafone, TMN and Optimus of parishes as tend to lack mobile broadband coverage, in compliance with article 34 of the Regulation governing the Auction for the allocation of rights of use of frequencies (Regulation No 560-A/2011 of 19 October) and with the determination issued by this Authority on 9 November 2012.

This concerns the implementation of coverage obligations in the 800 MHz frequency band falling on the referred operators, for the 480 parishes as tend to lack mobile broadband coverage.

It was determined that these coverage obligations become an integral part of qualifying documents drawing up rights of use for frequencies held by each of these operators.
