Communications Market in the National Economy (2008-2012)

ANACOM has published its report on the "Communications market in the national economy", which outlines trends in the communications market within the Portuguese economy between 2008 and 2012; this is the first time that ANACOM has published information on gross value added (GVA) generated by the activity of sector providers (electronic communications, postal services and the sector's total).

ANACOM seeks to provide market participants with information which enables reasoned decision-making when it comes to investing in electronic communications and postal services, and with regard to their management or use.

This publication is only available in electronic format and contains part of the information previously published in the "Communications Sector in Portugal Yearbook" which was split into two new publications in 2013: "Communications Market in the National Economy" and the "Directory of Companies in the Communications Sector" (published on 25 October 2013).
