Digital Terrestrial Television - bids admitted to public tender

/ Updated on 24.01.2008

The license applications presented by Oni Plataformas-Infocomunicações and PTDP - Plataforma de Televisão Digital Portuguesa were unanimously accepted by the Tender Committee, responsible for analysing bids to the public tender for the grant of a license for the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) network operator. The Public Act of Tender - to open bids - that took place today in the head office of the Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal (ICP), made it possible to confirm that the information submitted by the bidders is in conformity with the Tender Regulations.

During the session, the bidder PTDP - Plataforma de Televisão Digital Portuguesa filed a complaint regarding the decision to admit the bidder Oni Plataformas-Infocomunicações to the tender. The complaint was analysed and subsequently rejected by the Tender Committee. This decision was accepted by the bidder that had filed the complaint.

Under the terms of the Tender Regulations, the Tender Committee has until August 6 to draw up a list classifying the bidders and present a proposal for the license award to the Government. The latter is responsible for ratifying this proposal and granting the license in the tender. The deadline may be extended on request of the Committee.

Digital Terrestrial Television represents a new distribution network for television signals, that will substitute the existing analogue network. Citizens will be guaranteed free and open access to the existing national channels in Mainland Portugal and the national and regional channels in the Azores and Madeira. In addition to these channels, Digital Terrestrial Television will also enable new channels to be received, with high sound and image quality, plus other television and telecommunications services. The DVB-T technology to be used, as the pan-European norm, also makes it possible to rationalise the use of the radio spectrum and achieve national coverage, thus giving all citizens access to the specific functions of interactive television.

Consult press release: