Consultation on draft set of common terminology to be used in pre-contractual and contractual information for electronic communications

By decision of 26 February 2015, ANACOM has approved a draft set of common terminology to be used in pre-contractual and contractual information for electronic communications.

The draft regulation on pre-contractual information, under consultation until 12 March 2015, provides for the adoption of a common glossary of terminology to be used in the simplified information sheet, in contracts and on the exterior of packaging. By establishing the glossary, ANACOM is seeking a non-intrusive approach to the conditions governing the offer of networks and services and the respective contractual conditions applied by companies, but with two clear objectives in sight:

a) The inclusion and definition of terms which will be used in the simplified information sheet, in contracts and in information provided in the context of contracting without identification of the subscriber, where these terms have a high degree of complexity and have significant bearing on the understanding of pre-contractual information relevant to purchase/subscription decisions and on the understanding of the relevant contractual information governing the relationship between subscribers and companies;

b) The standardisation of terminology in situations where identical concepts are currently referenced using different terms, in order to facilitate understanding and in order to make the information provided in thee contexts comparable over time.

It is considered that the terms and respective definitions should be kept simple and concise. In this sense, the inclusion of technical and legal terms should be allowed only as strictly necessary, so that information remains clear and easily understood.

In this context, and pursuant to the provisions of LCE - Lei das Comunicações Eletrónicas (Electronic Communications Law, ANACOM invites all interested parties to participate in this consultation on a common terminology to be used in pre-contractual and contractual information for electronic communications, with a period of 30 working days given for responses. As such, comments and technical contributions should be received no later than 13 April 2015 and should be sent by email to Email address. glossario@anacom.ptmailto:glossario@anacom.pt1.

Once the consultation process has been concluded, the contributions received will be made public. Therefore, for the purposes of publication on this website, interested parties should also submit a non-confidential version of their responses, excluding any items considered confidential.

1 Each email may contain one or more files as long as the total size of all files does not exceed 10 megabytes and, if necessary, comments may be divided into two or more emails.


See also: