Luso-Brazilian Co-Operation in Oporto

/ Updated on 30.04.2007

The 6th meeting of the ANATEL (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações) - ICP (Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal) Co-Ordination Committee, will take place in Oporto on October 17-19th. This Committee is a privileged platform for exchanging of information and experiences between the Brazilian and Portuguese telecommunications regulatory authorities.

The topics to be addressed in the meeting include the impact of liberalisation of the fixed telephone service, Internet access and interconnection regimes, unbundling the local loop, mobile service, digital terrestrial television and different aspects associated to use of the radio-electric spectrum. The meeting will also provide the opportunity to reflect on the developments that have occurred in the sector since the Committee's last meeting, held in Brazil in April. Other topics to be discussed include positioning in international organisations for the sector and in the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP), as well as future perspectives in Portugal and Brazil.

The meeting will be preceded by other events in Lisbon on October 16: a visit by ANATEL's delegation to the Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações (Portuguese Communications Foundation), a meeting with CPLP's Executive Secretariat, to discuss aspects associated to the implementation of multilateral technical co-operation in the communications field with Portuguese-speaking African countries, and a dinner-debate organised by the APDC, in which the guest speaker is Counsellor António Carlos Valente da Silva, president of the ANATEL's delegation.

The ANATEL-ICP Co-Ordination Commission was created by the Complementary Adjustment, signed in April 1999, to the 1996 Basic Technical Co-Ordination Agreement between the Portuguese and Brazilian governments. This Adjustment defined the terms of institutional co-operation between the communications regulatory authorities of the two countries, assuming the need for regular six-monthly meetings.

Alongside these regular meetings, permanent contact is maintained between the two entities that recently led to a visit by ICP's representatives to ANATEL's premises on September 12-14, in order to acquire broader knowledge of the situation in Brazil in terms of various aspects within the framework of management and monitoring of the radio-electric spectrum and the communication platform.