Temporary radio licensing

/ Updated on 14.03.2018

ANACOM is responsible for managing the radio spectrum, established under Article 15 of the Electronic Communications Law (Law no. 5/2004https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1366216 of 10 February, in its current wording).

As such ANACOM is to make a plan of frequencies and in particular undertake their allocation and assignment according to objective, transparent and non-discriminatory criteria and in accordance with the principle of proportionality.

When events of limited duration are held, these have very particular characteristics with respect to the use of radiocommunication systems for their organisation and security and require the assignment of necessary frequencies for the use of such systems. Therefore, the assignment of frequencies for temporary events demand procedures which fast track the processing of requests and streamline communications between ANACOM and the user.

This area contain a range of useful information about the procedures related with the use of these radiocommunications systems, about radio licensing, the use of radio equipment and about applicable national legislation.