Exhibition ''The submarine cable in a sea of connectivity''

The exhibition "The submarine cable in a sea of connectivity" is opening on 18 May 2015 at FPC - Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações (Portuguese Communications Foundation). Organised by ANACOM, the exhibition has been granted the high patronage of His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic.

This exhibition, which is one of a series of activities and events taking place around the world as part the celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), will be open to the public from 19 May 2015 to 30 April 2016.

Submarine cables have been crucial in the development of communications over the years.

Portugal's geographical location, coupled with a capacity for innovation, makes it an important landing point for international systems; this has given the country a prominent role in the global network of submarine cables since 1870, promoting and facilitating communications between continents, and helping to unite the communities linked by these cables.

From the past to the present, this exhibition gives a view of the future, showcasing current research in the optical communications industry, and relating historical aspects of the technology, especially:

  • communication in Empires, during the nineteenth and up to the mid-twentieth century - telegraph cables and radio alternatives;
  • communication between Nations, during the 2nd half of the twentieth century - telephone cables and satellite alternatives;
  • communication between People, coincident with the development of the Internet, since the late twentieth century - optical fibre cables capable of supporting a full range of multimedia communication.

The exhibition, prepared by ANACOM in cooperation with FPC, focuses on the technological, economic and social impacts of global communications, particularly in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT).

Further information:

  • WTISD 2015 http://www.itu.int/en/wtisd/2015/Pages/default.aspx