Videoconference between the chair and vice-chairs of BEREC and the IRG

A videoconference took place last 29 May between the chair and vice-chairs of BEREC and the Independent Regulators Group (IRG). Besides Fátima Barros, the chair of ANACOM’s board of directors, who also heads BEREC and the IRG in 2015, the participants included Wilhelm Eschweiler (Bundesnetzagentur – BNetzA), Marc Furrer (Federal Communications Commission – ComCom), Lidia Koz?owska (Office of Electronic Communications – UKE) and Kevin O’Brien (Commission for Communications Regulation – ComReg).

The following were discussed, among other issues: latest developments in the legislative process associated to the proposed Connected Continent regulation, preparation of the 2015 BEREC Stakeholders Forum and the BEREC working programme for 2016. Several other matters concerning BEREC’s international activities and administrative questions were also dealt with.