Videoconference between the BEREC and IRG Chair and Vice-Chairs

The Chair and Vice-Chairs of BEREC and the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) held a videoconference last 10 July, which among other subjects served to discuss developments in the legislative process around the proposed Connected Continent regulation, the digital single market strategy, the 24th plenary meeting’s workshop, cooperation between BEREC and the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP), organisation of the BEREC Stakeholders Forum 2015 and various administrative aspects.

Besides the Chair of ANACOM’s Board of Directors (who also heads BEREC and the IRG in 2015), the participants included Wilhem Eschweiler (BNetzA), Lidia Kozlowska (UKE), Kevin O’Brien (ComReg) and Ola Bergstrom (PTS).