ICP concludes analysis of virtual phone cards

/ Updated on 24.01.2002

ICP decided that there is no restriction of a regulatory nature to the provision of virtual card services. After analysing the services provides in the market by two Fixed Telephone Service providers - Jazztel Portugal - Serviços de Telecomunicações, S.A. and OniTelecom - Telecomunicações, S.A. - ICP concluded that such services do not represent the provision of indirect access.

The service of virtual cards is specified in the National Numbering Plan, which has been in force since October 1999, with a special prefix: '882xy'. Indirect access to the fixed telephone service is, on the other hand, identified by the prefix '10xy'.

ICP also considered that virtual phone cards enable added value to be provided to the basic communication service, offering numerous advantages for the consumer, including the introduction of the benefits of mobility, convenience and direct billing and payment procedures. This service also increases the dynamism of the market, in terms of the choice of products and services.

The virtual phone card service consists in the possibility of making telephone calls via a specific access code within the National Numbering Plan ('882xy'), with two relevant characteristics: mobility and direct billing and payment. In order to secure access to this service, the user must provide his identification code, based upon a set of characters.