COM.escolha, the tariff comparison tool provided by Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), saw 113 thousand visitors in the first nine months of 2015, 46.5% more than during the same period of 2014.
There were 577 thousand page views registered during this period, more than double the number of page views reported during the same period of 2014 (263 thousand page views).
The growth seen in the use of COM.escolha follows the recent introduction of new features that customers can use to make a more complete analysis of the market's various tariffs, enabling the most appropriate choices according to their needs. ANACOM's tariff comparison tool now includes mobile phone Internet tariffs, the costs of installation/activation and the costs of equipment purchase/rental. These are important factors when comparing the costs of different offers, especially when differences between the market's various offers, in terms of pricing and features, is becoming blurred, and when the differences between the various products often result from installation/activation costs and the cost of equipment purchase/rental.
COM.escolha also includes mobile phone Internet tariffs, which are added to the information already provided on the pricing of mobile service voice calls and text messages, and information on bundles which include the mobile service, as well as specific information on the costs of terminating contracts.
COM.escolha is a tool provided by ANACOM which seeks to help consumers (private and/or residential) to choose the communications services that most appropriately respond to their needs, by enabling users to consult and compare tariffs/offers and simulate fixed Internet and mobile consumption, and consumption in mobile, fixed telephone and television services. Using COM.escolha, it also possible to combine more than one service, so that customers are able to select the bundle of services that best fits their user profile. To promote this tool among the public, ANACOM will increase efforts of dissemination online.
Information about offers/tariff is provided by the operators and overseen by ANACOM.
The tool can be accessed at www.anacom-consumidor.com