International Activity - updated information

Consult updated information on the latest meetings that ANACOM has attended:

Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC):

  • Presidency

24th BEREC plenary meeting and IRG General Assembly - Riga

BEREC-FCC meeting - Washington

Public debriefing of the 24th BEREC plenary meeting - Brussels

Meeting between the BEREC and IRG chair and vice-chairs - Brussels

IIC Annual Event with Regulators - Washington

Meetings with stakeholders - Brussels

ITU Telecom World 2015 - Budapest

Huawei Broader Way Forum - Budapest

Stakeholders Forum - Brussels

EXPO Milano 2015 - Milan

BNetzA conference - Bonn 

  • Working Group

BEREC-RSPG meeting - Brussels

Meeting of the Regulatory Framework EWG - Brussels

Meeting of IR EWG - Brussels

Meeting of EWG Remedies - Brussels

Meeting of EWG Market and Economic Analysis members - Brussels

Workshop on the Recommendation concerning relevant markets in markets 3a, 3b and 4 - Brussels

Remedies EWG meeting - Brussels

NN EWG meeting - Brussels

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT):

8th meeting of the Conference Preparatory Group (CPG 15) - Bergen

17th meeting of the Maritime Forum Group - Helsinki

71st WG SE meeting - Lyon

ECC WG FM PT22 meeting - Copenhagen

Meeting of CERP WG UPU - Oslo

WG NaN PT NP meeting - Riga 

European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP):

Meeting of the working subgroup on Cost Accounting/Price Regulation - Paris

ERGP Contact Network meeting - Brussels

European Satellite Telecommunications Organization (EUTELSAT):

36th meeting of the EUTELSAT Advisory Committee - Paris

European Union (EU):

37th meeting of the Spectrum Policy Group - Brussels

RSPG meeting on RSPP - Paris

Communications Committee meeting - Brussels

International Telecommunication Union (ITU):

2nd meeting of the dedicated group on Document Access Policy and 5th meeting of the working group on Financial and Human Resources - Geneva, 06.10.2015 and 07-09.10.2015

ITU Telecom World 2015 - Budapest

Bilateral relations between ANACOM and the Hungarian regulator:

Inter-laboratory cooperation project - Lisbon, 13-15.10.2015