Visits to COM.escolha increase 55% in 2015

The COM.escolha simulator, ANACOM's tariff comparison tool, received a total of 146,524 visits between 1 January and 31 December 2015 from 116,925 users. These figures show an increase of 55.22% in the number of visits and 46.72% in the number of users compared to 2014.
The feature most used by visitors over 2015 was the Internet tariff consultation tool.

During the year, COM.escolha users visited 713,547 pages, which represents an average of 4.87 pages per visit. The average time spent per visitor on the site was 4 minutes and 37 seconds, with a return rate of 16.8%; as such, 83.2% of accesses were originated by new users.

Increased use of COM.escolha has been driven by the introduction of new features in 2015, which consumers can use for a more comprehensive analysis of the various tariffs available on the market, enabling them to make the most appropriate choices according to their needs. ANACOM's tariff comparison tool now includes mobile phone Internet tariffs, costs of installation/activation and the costs of equipment purchase rental - as important factors when comparing the costs of different offers. This is especially useful at a time when differences in pricing and characteristics between the various offers on the market have become blurred, and when differences between the various products often result from installation/activation costs and from the costs of equipment acquisition/rental.

COM.escolha also includes information on the prices of mobile service voice calls and text messages, including where the service is provided as part of a bundles of services, as well as specific information about contract termination costs.