Spectru no. 175

Spectru no. 175 - Cover.

The August 2016 issue of the Spectru monthly bulletin includes reports about ANACOM's response to the European Commission's reservations regarding the draft decision concerning the regulation on access to the fibre optic network of MEO - Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia (MEO) and on the ANACOM Alerts initiative.

Also reported are the consultations on results of the audit of net costs of MEO’s universal service and on actions under the 2017-2019 multiannual activities plan, as well as notices about the start of procedures for drawing up a regulation on security and integrity of networks and services and for amendment of the Portability Regulation.

Also noteworthy is approval of the final draft decision on analysis of markets 3a and 3b and approval of the national strategy plan for radio spectrum.