Market 1 - notification to the European Commission

By decision of 27 October 2016, ANACOM approved the final draft decisions to be notified to the European Commission, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the national regulatory authorities of the other EU Member States on the wholesale market for call termination on the public telephone network at a fixed location covering:

  • the definition of the relevant market, assessment of significant market power (SMP), imposition, maintenance, amendment or withdrawal of regulatory obligations;
  • and the fixed termination costing model.

ANACOM considers that all operators providing the termination service for voice call termination on individual public telephone networks at a fixed location have SMP in this market, including in this group of operators all those with geographic and nomadic numbering resources (range 30).

Among the obligations to which operators with SMP are subject, of note is the obligation to control prices, with the maximum termination price that operators can practice laid down, which is determined based on the results of the LRIC “pure” costing model developed for this purpose. The maximum price for termination of voice calls in fixed networks to be implemented by fixed operators notified with SMP 10 days after approval of the final decision, is set at 0.0644 euro cents per minute, regardless of the origin of the call, billing per second from the first second.

On the same date also approved was the prior hearing and public consultation concerning the draft decision approved on 25 May 2016 regarding the definition of the wholesale market for call termination on the public telephone network at a fixed location, assessing SMP and the imposition, maintenance, amendment or withdrawal of regulatory obligations.


Related information on ANACOM's website: