Meetings of the RSPG working groups on Framework Review (WG FWR) and Digital Market Strategy for Europe (WG DSM Strategy) were held on 25 October in Budapest. The former, co-chaired by the France’s Agence Nacionale des Fréquences and Hungary’s National Media and Infocommunications Authority, is tasked with accompanying the review of the new regulatory framework. WG DSM Strategy, chaired by Germany’s Bundesnetzagentur, the United Kingdom’s Office of Communications and the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs, aims to implement measures identified by the RSPG which sustain the digital single market, such as the peer review tool for spectrum allocation processes in the various member states.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the European Commission and delegates from about 12 member states, including Portugal (ANACOM).
At the meeting WG FWR continued the work of explaining to the EC representatives the doubts raised by participants in this group about the code proposal. This time the questions were notably sent to the EC beforehand. This allowed the EC to prepare its responses earlier and it was also possible to not link the member states to the questions posed. The questions responded to at this meeting specifically focused on the scope of the code, the code’s value with respect to the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme, international coordination, the RSPG’s role and the comitology process.
The WG DSM Strategy meeting was devoted to completing the draft peer review developed by the RSPG, which is now in the early test phase.
The next meeting of both groups has been scheduled for 21 November 2016 in Paris.