COM.escolha receives over 86 thousand visits in 2016

The COM.escolha, ANACOM's tariff comparison tool, received a total of 25,233 visits from 21,343 users in the last quarter of 2016. Compared to the third quarter (3Q16), there was an increase of 17.07% in the number of visits and 15.16% in the number users.

The number of pages visited was 112,990, representing an average of 4.48 pages viewed per visit. The average time spent per visitor on the site was 4 minutes and 14 seconds, with a return rate of 16.5%; Also of note was that 83.5% of accesses were originated by new users, compared with 84.9% in 3Q16.

From 1 January to 31 December 2016, the simulator received a total of 86,436 visits from 72,964 users. Compared to 2015, there was a decrease of 41.01% in the number of visits and 37.60% in the number users.

In 2016 the number of pages visited was 372,153, representing an average of 4.31 pages viewed per visit. The average time spent per visitor on the site was 3 minutes and 57 seconds, with a return rate of 16.2%, with 83.6% of accesses originated by new users.

The most used functionality in 2016, and also in 4Q16, was Internet tariff consultation.

Comparisons/simulations carried out during 2016:

  • Internet - tariff consultation (45,522 accesses).
  • Mobile phone services- tariff consultation (38,089 accesses).
  • Combined - tariff consultation (20,549 accesses).
  • Mobile Phone services - consumption simulation (12,725 accesses).
  • Combined - consumption simulation (11,288 accesses).
  • Internet - consumption simulation (10,465 accesses).
