Meeting of RSPG WG PMSE - Vienna

Vienna hosted last 27 January the third meeting of the working group on the long-term opinion of the RSPG regarding equipment for Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE), chaired by Franz Ziegelwanger of Austria and attended by representatives from various administrations, the European Commission (EC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

At its 40th meeting on 8 June 2016 the RSPG approved the development of an opinion on PMSE, specifically a long-term strategy on spectrum requisites for future use and needs of wireless video and audio PMSE applications.

The first version of the proposed opinion should be ready in June 2017 and the final version in November 2017, so it can be subject to public consultation.

Some of the documents considered at this meeting concerned how/if 5G will in the future be able to accommodate PMSE applications and new solutions to accommodate those applications, specifically in the 960-1164 MHz band (aeronautic band), with particular focus on the study being carried out in the United Kingdom.

A new version of the proposed PMSE opinion was considered and debated, though it was only possible to discuss the section on background and scope of work. Some of the issues discussed were the reference to Decision 2014/641/EU, which among other aspects recognises that spectrum needs for wireless audio PMSE applications vary significantly; it was explained that there is a need to ensure a minimum amount of 60 MHz of spectrum to meet ordinary recurring needs for wireless audio PMSE applications. A reference to the recent Decision 2016/339/EU was included; it aims to harmonise the 2010-2025 MHz frequency band for video PMSE applications. Regarding the reference to CEPT documents, particularly Recommendation ERC 25-10, it was explained that the frequency bands for PMSE applications of that recommendation will be included in the Frequency Information System portal, though that function is still several years away.

Note that the proposed RSPG opinion on PMSE separates audio and video PMSE applications. Some alternative bands for audio PMSE are being identified, for example in the L band to compensate the loss of spectrum for PMSE in the 470-694 MHz and 694-790 MHz bands due to new uses for mobile systems. For video PMSE applications it is stressed that it is hard to accommodate it in the 2 GHz band, particularly in major events, though new opportunities are being identified (e.g. in the 2.7-2.9 GHz, 7/8 GHz and/or 10 GHz bands).