Report on Regulation, Supervision and Other Activities for 2016

ANACOM releases Report on Regulation, Supervision and Other Activities for 2016.

The document is divided into 20 chapters: ANACOM's mission and activity; Users and consumer information and protection; Market analysis; Regulated offers; Costing systems; Universal service; Number portability and pre-selection; International roaming; Communications security; Centralised information system; Radio spectrum management; Numbering; Complaints; Market and spectrum monitoring; Offences; Settlement of disputes between operators; International activity; Institutional and technical cooperation; Advice to the Government; Litigation.

The report, which responds to the obligation arising from article 26, paragraph 1, point d) of ANACOM's Statutes, was submitted to the Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic) and to the Government pursuant to article 49, paragraph 3.
