1. Introduction

By determination of Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), of 28.08.2014, the objectives of postal network density and minimum services provided were defined for the period from 01.10.2014 to 30.09.2017 [under Base XV of the Bases of the Universal Postal Service Concession (Bases of Concession), as amended by Decree-Law No. 160/2013, of 19 November, which republished it].

Being the communication of the referred objectives incumbent on CTT - Correios de Portugal, S.A. (CTT), as the concessionaire of the universal postal service [under paragraph 1 of the referred base XV], ANACOM, by fax dated 17.02.2017 1, requested CTT to submit a proposal on objectives of postal network density and minimum services provided, to apply from 01.10.2017 to 30.09.2020.

By letter No. 51028, of 09.03.2017, CTT notified ANACOM of its proposal on the referred objectives.

By determination of 05.06.2017, ANACOM considered that objectives and rules of postal network density and minimum services provided, presented by CTT on 09.03.2017, failed under the current legal framework to meet user needs in some cases.

Subsequently, by letter No. 53099, of 18.07.2017, CTT communicated to ANACOM, within the required time limit, a revised proposal of objectives of postal network density and minimum services provided.

By determination of 27.07.2017, the Management Board of ANACOM approved a Draft Decision on the objectives of postal network density and minimum services provided (DD), which:

1. Established that objectives and rules of postal network density and minimum services provided presented by CTT in its letter of 18.07.2017, under paragraph 5 of base XV of the Universal Postal Service Concession, still failed to meet user needs under the current legal framework, as regards indicators and objectives of opening hours of postal establishments;

2. Set out the objectives and rules of postal network density and minimum services provided, laid down in Annex 2 to the DD;

3. Submitted point 2 to the prior hearing of CTT (pursuant to paragraph 6 of base XV of the Concession and to articles 121 et seq of the Administrative Procedure Code) and to the consultation of users (pursuant to paragraph 6 of base XV of the Concession), for a period of 20 working days.

Contributions received were analysed in the scope of the “Report of the prior hearing of CTT and consultation of users on the Draft Decision on the objectives of postal network density and minimum services provided”, deemed to be an integral part of this decision.

1 With reference ANACOM-S004967/2017.