ANACOM proposes measures to enhance the protection of telecommunications networks in the event of fire

Following the forest fires that occurred in Pedrógão GrandeANACOM has decided to investigate the impact of forest fires on the infrastructure of electronic communications networks. Having noted the exposure of these networks to high risk factors associated with forest fires, ANACOM has decided to recommend a set of measures to Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic), the Government, municipalities and telecommunications operators seeking to improve the protection and resilience of telecommunications infrastructure and services.

The work done by ANACOM identified a need for the establishment of a new legal and regulatory framework on the planning, construction, reconstruction, reconversion and installation of electronic communications infrastructure and infrastructure suitable for carrying electronic communications. This new legal framework is to include technical standards, such as on the protection of infrastructure in the event of fire and other natural disasters.

The other measures identified by ANACOM seek the protection of radiocommunications stations, poles, cables and aerial communications.

It is proposed that stations should be surrounded by a paved strip with a suitable minimum width (e.g. 2 metres); cutting and thinning tree tops and shrubs that are in proximity to the station (e.g. 5 metres); remove dried leaves and branches that are inside the seasons' perimeter; as well as to clean the ground around the station and to establish a surrounding area with a suitable width (e.g. 50 metres) requiring management of combustible material.

ANACOM also suggests the establishment of requirements to promote the replacement of areal routes with underground communications or radio beams in access to station, and suggests the sharing of areal routes between communications cables and electric power supply cables to create and maintain a suitable strip of protection against fire.

In the case of poles, cables and aerial communications, it is proposed to establish technical requirements to ensure that, in areas of heightened recurring risk, priority is given to the installation of underground and non-aerial lines, both in the construction and installation of new networks, and in cases of reconstruction after fires or other disaster. In this process, use should be made of existing infrastructure (e.g. roads), while adopting the best practices recommended by the International Telecommunication Union (e.g. horizontal drilling and micro and mini-trenches).

It is also recommended that a geo-referenced identifier should be affixed to each pole, with indication of its owner and the owner's contact details, especially in sites with high or very high forest fire hazards. In these zones, a fire protection band with adequate width (e.g. 5 metre) must also be established alongside aerial communications cable routes.

ANACOM also recommends the establishment of fire protection requirements and procedures for wood poles (e.g. base paint) and for resistance, in the case of communications cables.

In this context, emphasis is given to the importance of the application of Decree-Law no. 123/2009 of 21 May, regarding use of the Suitable Infrastructure Information System (SIIS, formerly CIS) for the disclosure of information on construction works, the promotion of infrastructure-sharing and the planning and control of the construction of new communications infrastructure.

The objective of these measures is to minimise situations where services are interrupted in sites where the impact of failure on the population is more serious, such as emergency networks and municipal headquarters, where resources providing essential services to the community are concentrated:

  • centre of the municipality, which is the centre of decision-making from where municipal services responsible for safety, security and civil protection operate;
  • fire stations;
  • hospitals/health centres/pharmacies;
  • security authority posts;
  • schools/points of collection and assistance to the population;
  • centres for the supply of food, fuel and other essential goods.

Implementation of the measures recommended by ANACOM will require the involvement and prior consultation of various public and private entities: Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic), Government, municipalities, operators of electronic communications, manufacturers of machines and materials, as well as installers.
