ANACOM withdraws draft decision on fixed origination market

On 23 November 2017, ANACOM approved the withdrawal of the draft decision on the wholesale market for call origination on the public network at a fixed location - definition of product markets and geographic markets, assessment of significant market power and imposition, maintenance, amendment or withdrawal of regulatory obligations, in so far as this draft decision regards the wholesale market for call origination on the telephone network at a fixed location for the provision of retail telephone services, supported by indirect access.

This draft decision had been approved by ANACOM on 19 October 2017 under the terms of article 57 of the LCE - Lei das Comunicações Eletrónicas (Electronic communications Law - Law no. 5/2004 of 10 February), as currently worded, and was notified to the European Commission, which expressed a number of doubts about the compatibility of the proposed SMP assessment with European Union law in the part that is now withdrawn.

ANACOM considers it appropriate to reflect on the points specifically raised by the Commission, in particular with a view to preparing a new draft decision on the relevant market, which will lead to a new submission of the envisaged measure to the general and specific consultation procedures provided for in the LCE, with subsequent re-notification to the European Commission.

Notification of this decision was also approved by the European Commission, the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC) and stakeholders.


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