Meeting between ANACOM and BNetzA

A meeting was held on 29 November 2017 between ANACOM and Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA), the German regulatory authority for telecommunications, postal services, electricity, gas and railways. The meeting took place in Bonn, Germany.

The meeting with Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice-President responsible for telecommunications regulation, provided an opportunity for an exchange of experience and information on the activity of ANACOM and BNetzA, and it was agreed to continue and strengthen the close and fruitful cooperation between the two regulators.

Meeting between ANACOM and BNetzA, 29.11.2017.

From left to right: Pedro Ferreira, Head of the European Union Area, External Affairs Department, ANACOM; Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice President, BNetzA; João Cadete de Matos, Chair of ANACOM’s Board of Directors; Armasari Soetarto, International Department, BNetzA.