Study on additional extension of the offer of DTT programme services

Pursuant to Law no. 33/2016 of 24 August of the Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic), as subsequently amended by Law no. 2/2017 of 16 January, ANACOM commissioned a "Study on the further expansion of the offer of digital terrestrial television (DTT) programme services", which, following selection by a public tender, was conducted by Leadership Business Consulting in partnership with LS Telcom and DLA Pipper.

The study provides an overall analysis of DTT in Portugal, laying out a set of future models for its development, based on analysis and learning from the national context, and also by identifying lessons learned and best practices from other European countries.

The study, including its assumptions and conclusions, is the sole responsibility of its authors, and in no way binds or commits ANACOM to any position.
