Multi-Annual Activities Plan for the 2018-2020 three-year period

ANACOM has published its 2018-2020 Multi-Annual Activities Plan, which includes the strategic priorities, lines of action and the specific actions to be undertaken over the three-year period, including regular and ongoing activities that are essential to ensure a stable and predictable regulatory framework geared to the promotion of competition, investment and innovation - essential factors in the development of better solutions for consumers and other users.

Once again, this year, ANACOM submitted the strategic guidelines, the lines of action and list of specific actions (with timings) proposed for the 2018-2020 Multi-Annual Activities Plan to public consultation. This procedure - which is a statutory requirement limited to the strategic guidelines for the three-year period - aims to increase market transparency, increase regulatory predictability and foster greater involvement by all stakeholders in the preparation of ANACOM's activities plan.

The 2018-2020 Multi-Annual Activities Plan essentially reflects the contributions received, as can be seen from the consultation report approved on 24 November 2017.

In accordance with its statutes, ANACOM must submit its multi-annual budget and activities plan to the prior approval of the members of the Government responsible for the areas of communications and finance - the time limit defined for this submission has not yet expired1.

1 Decree-Law no. 39/2015 of 16 March


See also: